
Dental Fillings

A cavity is not just a minor inconvenience, it’s a sign that something is wrong with your teeth. Left untreated, cavities can lead to more serious dental problems. A dental filling is a treatment used to repair a tooth that has been damaged by decay. The filling materials are placed to restore tooth structure and function.

At Te Atatu Dental, we offer fillings to restore your teeth to their former glory. Additionally, our dental clinic offers a relaxing and comfortable environment, so you can feel at ease during your appointment.

Schedule an appointment today to get started on your road to a healthy and beautiful smile!

A cavity is not just a minor inconvenience, it’s a sign that something is wrong with your teeth. Left untreated, cavities can lead to more serious dental problems. A dental filling is a treatment used to repair a tooth that has been damaged by decay. The filling materials are placed to restore tooth structure and function.

At Te Atatu Dental, we offer fillings to restore your teeth to their former glory. Additionally, our dental clinic offers a relaxing and comfortable environment, so you can feel at ease during your appointment.

Schedule an appointment today to get started on your road to a healthy and beautiful smile!