
Dental Checkups & Digital X-Ray’s

At Te Atatu Dental we offer high-quality dental check-ups in a comfortable and relaxed environment

Regular Dental Check-Ups are essential and we at Te Atatu Dental understand the importance of quality and affordability. Our dental check-ups and clean appointments are thorough, our dentists take the time to assess your teeth looking at your teeth, gums and jaw to determine the state of your overall oral health. Our highly skilled team of dentists make sure that your regular dental check-ups are of the highest standard.

Besides making you feel fresh, regular professional dental check-ups and cleaning are important to maintain your oral health. Your teeth are continually covered in saliva which contains calcium and other substances. This helps to strengthen and protect the enamel, but at the same time, calcium deposits collect. Akin to limescale in a pipe or kettle, the chalky build-up will create conditions for bacteria to grow.

Contact the friendly team at Te Atatu Dental and book your regular dental check-up today!

At Te Atatu Dental we offer high-quality dental check-ups in a comfortable and relaxed environment

Regular Dental Check-Ups are essential and we at Te Atatu Dental understand the importance of quality and affordability. Our dental check-ups and clean appointments are thorough, our dentists take the time to assess your teeth looking at your teeth, gums and jaw to determine the state of your overall oral health. Our highly skilled team of dentists make sure that your regular dental check-ups are of the highest standard.

Besides making you feel fresh, regular professional dental check-ups and cleaning are important to maintain your oral health. Your teeth are continually covered in saliva which contains calcium and other substances. This helps to strengthen and protect the enamel, but at the same time, calcium deposits collect. Akin to limescale in a pipe or kettle, the chalky build-up will create conditions for bacteria to grow.

Contact the friendly team at Te Atatu Dental and book your regular dental check-up today!